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The mouth of a person with a cracked front tooth

What To Do If Your Tooth Cracks or Loses A Crown?

A person has a problem with tooth cracks or loses a crown
If you are suffering from a pain from a cracked tooth or have recently lost a crown, you can schedule an appointment with our office today.

A cracked tooth could constitute a dental emergency and you should contact your dentist’s office for an appointment right away, especially if it is accompanied by pain or swelling.

A broken tooth should not be neglected because with time, the risk of infection in the tooth’s pulp increases which can then spread to the gum and surrounding bone. After taking a look at the damage, your dentist will decide the best course of treatment for saving your tooth.

Causes Of A Chipped or Cracked Tooth

Tooth structure weakened due to dental decay, biting down on hard surfaces like an ice cube or hard candy, trauma to the face or mouth, sports injury, worn-out enamel, and tooth grinding habits.

Treatment options for a cracked tooth depends on the extent of the crack line or fracture. If a small piece of enamel or a filling has chipped off, you might need a new filling or the chipped portion can be restored using tooth bonding material.

If the crack or fracture has extended deeper, up to the level of the dental pulp, a root canal treatment may be required if the tooth can be saved, otherwise, extraction has to be done.

Slight cracks in the tooth enamel are known as “craze lines.” and may not require treatment, but you should still see a dentist for evaluation. A crack could extend from the chewing surface of the tooth all the way to the tooth root.

  • Tooth Bonding: If the crack is limited to the enamel or dentin, it can be repaired with a tooth-colored resin filling material.
  • Root Canal: If the crack has reached the tooth pulp, you will need a root canal to remove the infected and inflamed tissue and clean the pulp space. This is followed by restoring the tooth structure by a dental restoration and crown, to prevent the further propagation of the crack.

 Doctor checked cracked tooth of girl

A cracked tooth could constitute a dental emergency and you should contact your dentist’s office for an appointment right away, especially if it is accompanied by pain or swelling.

Why Is it Important To Get A Cracked Tooth Checked Out Immediately?

With time the crack in teeth will increase in size and expose the nerves in the dental pulp. With nerve exposure, you will start experiencing increased tooth sensitivity and pain on chewing or on the consumption of very hot or cold food/beverages. As you notice a cracked tooth, make an appointment with your dentist so it can be timely evaluated and treated however necessary.

What Is The Reason Behind Dental Crowns Coming Loose or Falling Off?

Although dental crowns can remain undisturbed in a mouth for long time periods, however from time to time, a crown can come loose or even fall off. A few reasons for a crown to come loose in your mouth can be:

  • Compromised oral hygiene
  • Consuming sticky and hard foods

Immediate care is required with a lost or fractured crown. If a crown is still in good condition, it can be re-cemented to the tooth. If you lose the crown, no need to panic. A new crown can be fabricated and applied to the tooth.

Do I Need To Make An Emergency Appointment?

In some cases, an emergency dental appointment needs to be made for a broken crown for instance If the crown or underlying tooth has a sharp edge that can injure your tongue or cheek, you’re experiencing significant pain, the crown has come partially lose and is presenting as a choking hazard

Special attention should be given to not allow food debris to collect especially in the area surrounding the tooth. Good oral hygiene should be maintained by regular brushing and flossing.

When a crown falls off, you might experience sensitivity and pain as the tooth nerves are quite close to the remaining tooth structure on which the crown was fitted. Over-the-counter pain medications can be taken for temporary pain relief. Avoid eating hard, sweet, sticky foods and acidic drinks.

Try chewing food from the unaffected side of the mouth.

Until you can visit the dentist, be mindful of your condition to avoid any further damage.

If you are suffering from a pain from a cracked tooth or have recently lost a crown, you can schedule an appointment with our office today:

Call (813) 684-7888 or fill out a contact form.

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