I always find it so surprising that more people aren’t aware of Invisalign!
It’s a fantastic orthodontic tool that can help to straighten your teeth – without being as obvious as braces! Let’s be honest: not everyone likes traditional braces. They’re extremely noticeable… Notoriously difficult to keep clean… Require constant adjustment…
Good news: there’s another option.
Let’s take a look at 5 of the most hard-to-ignore benefits of this ground-breaking treatment:
Did you know that Invisalign is… well, invisible?
As it’s made from a clear plastic, Invisalign appears completely natural! Traditional braces might be really obvious – if you’re worried about them being too noticeable, Invisalign is definitely the way to go.
Invisalign is also incredibly effective!
With Invisalign, you can develop perfect, straight teeth – without having to rely on clunky braces. Invisalign aligners are small plastic ‘retainers’ that can easily straighten your teeth – and the best part? It only takes 12 months for most adults! I know some people have had to wear braces for years. If you make use of Invisalign aligners, you may be able to speed the whole process up!
One of the most noticeable benefits of using Invisalign is how comfortable it can be!
Invisalign is:
• Safe to use
• Removable
• Pain-free
• Convenient
• Easy to clean
• Made from smooth, easy-to-apply materials
That means that you can easily pop the trays out whenever you like.
That doesn’t just make them easy to clean, it:
• Makes it easier for you to brush your teeth
• Makes it safer to engage in contact sports or activities
• Makes it easier to play instruments
• Generally improves your quality of life over braces!
No diet restrictions
Do you consider yourself to be a foodie?
If you do, you might dread the thought of braces…Braces are notorious for restricting what you can eat. Sweets and candy? Nope. Chewy foods like liquorish or fresh bread? Nuh-uh. Hard foods? Think again! As you can take your aligners out whenever you like, you’re not restricted as to what you can eat!
If you decide to use Invisalign, you’re free to enjoy all of your favorites, like:
• Corn on the cob
• Nuts
• Caramels and toffee
• Honeycomb
(These are all foods you need to avoid with normal braces!)
Saves time
If you’ve ever had braces, then you know the struggle…
• Constant appointments
• Always needing adjustments
• Having to change the elastic bands
• Consultancies
• General maintenance
The good news is that all of these can be avoided with Invisalign.
• You won’t need to go for routine checkups.
• You don’t need to deal with elastic bands, wires or cages.
• Your teeth will be perfectly straight in around 12 months!
So, what are you waiting for? Are you considering Invisalign treatment?
If you’d like to learn more about the treatment, or even if you’d like to book a consultation, please don’t hesitate to get in touch!
You can call (813) 684-7888 or fill out a contact form, and we’ll be happy to help.